About us
The school is situated on Vallersund Gård, a Camphill Village, on the coast of Trøndelag.
FRAMskolen is a social and educational arena for young people with intellectual disabilities, who prepare for a life as an adult.
The FRAMskolen-environment is characterized by an active community with other grown-ups, both with and without the need for support in Vallersund Gård Camphill Village. In this environment it is important to have a close collaboration with the student’s family and other people who have responsibilities towards the student. This is done in order to support the students developement towards a more indepentant life, making a choice of profession and possibly more education. Everybody who lives and works at Vallersund Gård and at FRAMskolen gives their best to ensure that the students have a good and safe transition from life in the family and at school, into life as an adult.